Saturday, February 14, 2009

Record Xbox 360 Gameplays

Sen. D'Alia wants to censor the Internet

The "power" politician, he realized that the Internet is growing in a lot of freedom expression and that information is created and diffused. Social networking sites like Facebook, are growing explosively and more people leave the television to read the news through word of mouth, news that bounce from person to person. Here
then check the usual "Carneades", called Senator D'ALIA (UDC, so no majority) that prepares and enacts a law article that could lead to the isolation of Italy from the international information, obscuring words, the big international nodes as YouTube and Facebook. The case is similar to China but the Italian law than in authoritarianism, dictatorship and stupidity even the Chinese. In fact, if a national public something disturb the "power", instead of using the Judiciary, the Ministers called for the darkening of the city and if it gets dark the node host! There is obviously unconstitutional because it is not committed to the competent institution but the government intervenes. Only in a dictatorship, follow this procedure. Fortunately, as our President Napolitano said, we still have the Constitution ... "teniamocela close," he said and I believe many Italians share this view.

sure to read the article 50 bis and you will be appalled: it seems that politicians do not know what is Internet, but be careful! show with a law apparently stupid and ignorant, their authoritarianism and the total disregard of the Constitution. In fact, do not attack immediately and directly to the publisher but the intermediary: punish one to educate a hundred! and then would get the only really important result for them, bring these insolent citizens to Big Brother, the only authorized television.


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