[ZEUS from News - www.zeusnews.com - 27/02/2011 ]
Made with environmentally friendly materials once abandoned are planted in the ground and give life to a small garden.
"Our future lies in the reconciliation between industry and nature, between humanity and nature": this slogan following the Dutchman Shoes OAT has developed the first completely green sneakers.The materials used for their production are hemp, corn, cotton, biodegradable plastic, chlorine-free chlorine and other toxic materials.
It has helped to create shoes that at the end of their life cycle, can easily be planted in the garden, where they decompose completely. Also in the tab are the seeds that will sprout flowers after the "burial".
biodegradable line of sneakers was named Virgin Collection and will be launched in the coming weeks, with direct sales in Europe through the company's website at prices that have not yet been revealed.